Banting Edition
Amacam? Ada berani nak ikut? |
Tourism Selangor make a mistake by organizing a day out to BANTING? Unless you
have been living under the rock, you would know that this place was recently
highlighted in one of our country’s most shocking crime committed. Memula
teragak-agak gak lar nak joing but then takkan lar they gonna ‘bring’ us to
that place for real? Sewel ke apa? But then it would an experience oso kan if can
‘visit’ that place ek? Ok, jangan merepek Mani…on with the program please. As
usual, registered my name and dapat berita baik kena pilih, saw few familiar
names. Ngeh ngeh ngeh…waited for the day and on that day guess what happened?
Boleh ke bongok overslept and reached the meeting point almost an hour late.
Nasib baik ada yang lagi lambat dari aku (uhuk uhuk Hidayat…uhuk uhuk) I’m
really sorry guys for the delay. Minta ampun beribu-ribu ampun ek. Since I
arrived late, belakang bas dah kena ‘chup’ so kena duduk depan, tengok sebelah,
hero Bollywood sebelah aku. Amit’eeeeeeeee!!! Long time’e no see’e! Lepas kena ‘ceramah’
sikit, bus started to move to our destination.
With love, from Tourism Selangor! :) |
mulalah sessi kecoh dalam bas dulu. I got my #TSDayOut shirt, this time kaler
Oren! Niceeeeeeeee!!! Me likey. Oh yeah dengan bangganya, saya nak poyo kejap
and declare I could fit into their size ‘M’. Some of the geng did notice I’ve lost
weight. That’s all. Ok back on track again. Since I was late, I didn’t have time to walap
breakfast and my tummy dah mula keroncong, nak ask if got stop for breakfast
takut pulak kena belasah but guess what? We did stop for sarapan pagi, paid for
by…siapa lagi? Tourism Selangor lar! Weeeeeeeehooooo!!!
Yummy yum yum! |
Apa makanan you ask?
Nasi lemak sotong! Double Weeeehooooo!!! We sat and walap our food and there
was small ‘apron presentation ceremony’ for the owners. Nom nom nom….sedap wey
nasi dia, sambal oso beh tahan. Sambil tu I went on my standard kacau orang
procedure. Time to make some more new friends. One of the best perks of joining
#TSDayOut besides discovering different parts of Selangor.
Nak satu boleh? hehehe |
dah kenyang, lagi lah bising dalam bas tuh till we arrived to our first stop of
the day. Kerepek factory Ros. Oo ooooooooo…..pochida….abis kantoi my secret (I
have soft krezi spot for this munchies). My memories of Tanjung Sepat came to
mind. I tried to ‘act’ cool but some did remember my haul there using trolley.
La la la…‘cover line Mani….cover’. We changed into our shirt while the owner
gave us some info about his factory. I’m sorry but I was not really paying attention
because we were standing sebelah ‘kedai’ kerepek tu. I was just trying to control
myself from running and grabbing all the snacks inside the shop.
Cuse me, cuse me....listen please people.... |
Lepas dah
share info, we were taken on a short tour of the factory and saw how a simple
ibu…eh…ubi keledek were turned into crispy tasty kerepek.
Nampak senang, tapi kalau silap haribulan can hilang jari lor! :P |
Inside the
factory, I saw ‘pillows’ of kerepek’s stacked. Damn if tade orang, confirm aku
dah seludup semua. Sambil tengok tu, we got to ‘conduct taste test’ on freshly
prepared kerepek. Nyum nyum nyum…eh sedap lar…ambik lagi, sikit lagi…ehehehe
Tu dia....from stick to slice! |
Not an easy task this is....heat resistant must be high! |
tu, jeng jeng jeng…cari Renu kejap to claim back my deposit dulu so I can
borong some home. Ingat nak take trolley like last time but stopped with basket
je. Yang tu pun damage dah RM59.10 but it was all worth it.
Tengok tu...mana tak tercabar 'keimanan' like this? |
Kalau beli kat town
entah burn how much more. Budak-budak lain tengok dah mula gelak. Bluek! So
what? I have big family maaaaa…moving on to the next stop. The main spot,
Paya Indah Wetlands. I have heard about this place but didn’t have chance to
make it.
Selamat datang semua! |
Sampai je Matahari dah panas terik adoi….cap…cap…cap...sunglass…sunglass..sunglass…where
is you??? Kalau tak abis dah cair aku. *Disclaimer – saya bukan poyo but I have
sensitive eyes so I can’t stand if it’s too hot. Sekian.
Cantik kan? but not for swimming ok! |
No time to read so snap picture only! *meaning must go again! :D |
were given small briefing by Encik….huhuhu…I’m sorry but I forgot his name the
moment he mentioned we will be going around the place on a bicycle!
Listen kids... |
Say what???
Yeayyyyyyyyyy!!!! Bapak lama aku tak naik beskal! Ingat balik time rempit dulu.
Jeng jeng jeng!!! |
We were divided into two groups of 15 people each and mula la kayuh. I was like
a kid at kampong naik BMX yo. Even though the bike was kinda rusty, tak kisah,
janji get to kayuh ayuh.
Ready to kayuh tak? Lai lai lai.... |
We stopped at the ‘Kolam Itik’ dulu. The Sun was
really tearing up everybody. Some went to have a closer look at the itiks while
I was trying to find shade. Huhuhu….panas siot.
Quak! Quak! Quak! | | | |
.jpg) |
Gambar 'songlaped' from Amit! ^_^ |
After some explanation we moved
to the ‘Kolam Buaya’ part.
Amazing but scary creatures this one! |
They had about 40 over crocs there. Some are
bigger than….let’s just say…kalau depa dapat aku. Fuh! Kenyang sampai Krismas
kot! Gulp.
1, 2, 3, 4.....ok memang banyak! |
You want to take picture izzit? Ok, come I 'pose' for you! |
wipe the sweat, tengok-tengok, ada Santa Clause kasi 100 plus…waaaaaa….syiok
Jackpottttttttttttttttttttt!!! gulp gulp gulp |
Then tetiba-tiba ada rombongan kanak-kanak Ribena who were also having
their own day out. Best part, those kuchirats were wearing Orange kaler shirt
oso! Hehehe comel sungguh budak-budak itew semua. We saw how the buaya’s were
fed. Busuk giler ayam tuh. Bluek!
bluek bluek bluekkkkkkkk | | |
We spent most of our time there. Those
pro-photogs snapping away with their big arse camera. Ada yang siap panjat pagar
tu lagi to get the best picture because theme of the day was ‘Nature’.
If you dare to climb, then you can to take pictures like this! *Stole from Amit again! hehehe |
‘Kolam Buaya’ we cycled our way to ‘Kolam Hyppo’ pulak. Lepas semua orang dah
kumpul, Abang-in-charge (yup I forgot his name too, sue me!) mula sahut…‘Juita….Juita…Juita’….Yennathu…Juita
va? Hamboiiiiiiiiiiii…. nama bukan main! The best part, Juita heard her name
and came to the wall where tones of camera were waiting to go ‘click click click’!
Last animal stop of the day! |
‘She’ had her ‘daughter’ following her every step! So cuteeeeeeeeee!!! Rasa nak
lompat to the opposite wall and gi peluk anak Badak Air kecil itew. We saw how
she was fed with fruits and also took loads of pictures of her munching on grass.
I can see you.....almost see you!!! |
Yes, you can, now you can!!! | |
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It was a priceless encounter to see this animal at such close range! Thank you
'Come let's go back to the water baby, it's so damn hot outside! Bluergh'..... |
Lepas dah puas hati, it was more ‘pijak peddle time to check out the chalet
available for rental. It was priced at RM120 per night (Don’t ask me how this
seems to be the only information that I could remember! Hehehe!). The room
looked huge! Siap bole golek from one end to the other dengan senang sekali.
Kan dah kata besar and luas? |
ehem ehem...seeeee....I'm not the only krezi participant! |
Best part? Ada bathtub woah! Damn! Must.come.back.soon.one.day.ok.Mani! Got air
con. The view pulak memang syiok giler, facing the lake! Fuh! Really chun lor.
Lawa kan? Lawa kan? Lawa kan? |
Pengantin baru sibuk shot photo! Phweeeeeit!!! |
After kasi lepas to take pictures , we kena kumpul to take group picture.
Anak sesat siapakan ini !? |
Everybody say....yeayyyyyyyyyyy!!! |
then the sky looked so dark oredi. We were lead to our final stop to makan,
submit best photo, speeches, slide show and prize presentation. I was hungry
like a Hyppo…ehehehe so walap mum mum dulu.
Too hungry to snap invidual dish picture & this was one of the best meal I've had! |
The winners were announced and we
had to leave our basikal and head to the bus before it started to pour cats and
dogs! Sebab dah lambat we had to skip the ‘cendol’ stop over.
Congratulations guys!!! |
One more group picture please!!! Smile semua!!! |
In no time, we
arrived back at Bangsar after another awesome #TSDayOut with bags of chips! Said
our farewells till next time again.
am I gonna carry these bags balik ni?.hmmm…..now that’s another story altogether
but as usual saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi ucapan terima kasih for
choosing my name for this amazing happening day out! I’ve been to BANTING and
survived yo!