face it, those you know me, know I heart cats and I have more than a dozen
kitties in my apartment right now but there was this special fella who will
always have special place in my heart, my Boboy. His mom, Angie was also my
special cat. She gave litter few times and this bugger was born in the last
batch Angie ever gave birth too before her demise.
Boboy's Mom, Angie Gurl |
Since I was having loads of
misunderstanding with my Amma at that time (I was living with Amma then), I
couldn’t keep the rest of Boboy’s siblings. I was also gonna go away on holiday
to Bangkok at the time of birth so with heavy heart I had leave Boboy’s
brothers and sisters at the ‘makan’ place near Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Bandar
Tun Razak, my friend assured me that they will be ‘ok’ there. Yes I feel guilty
of doing this but I had no choice. All but one remained, Boboy.
No camera shy one |
Masa kecik muka quite buruk...hehehe |
was a naughty boy. I trained him to do his ‘business’ in the toilet but he was
kinda spoilt so he would ‘spray’ around the house and this made Amma ever mad.
After sometime, he also ‘bengang’ when my Amma hit him if she catches him does naughty
things so he started to venture outside of the house. Maybe to do his business and
find girlfriends. He would not be at home if I’m not home. He will only come
back when he can sense I’m back from work or outside. He would then ‘lepak’ with
me. I will piss him off and ‘torturing’ him. Pull his tail, his misai. Have a
mini wrestling session with him. He ‘layan je’ but sometime silap haribulan
kena cakar! Adoiiiiiiiii!!! Haaaa…amek ko Mani! Padan muka!
Guess what??? |
Pose tak senonoh |
was this fur ball with special tail that my niece and nephew refer to as ‘feather
duster’. Memang fluffy giler and he knows it. Bila panggil nama je terus
swing-swing his bushy tail. He does not ‘meow’ like other cats. He goes…amma….maaa…so
cute!!! Memang geram. We would have our small conversation which drives my Amma
mad. Sometimes, she would bud in and he replies her as well. My translation to
his reply was…. “Aiya….old lady….sibuk la lu….don’t kacau my conversation with
my Mummy can ah?” Kekeke….I would get him Whiskas and bila budget lebih sikit,
dapat makanan lagi best. He was not fussy about his food. Bagi chocolate oso
can. KFC was his preferred food. One of his other favorite muchy was ‘Miau Miau
keropok’. Nampak je pack kaler oren tuh, terus buat muka manja, pastu suara oso
bukan main soft. I myself belum sempat nak rasa, he oredi walap and ask for
more. Haiz Boboy, Boboy, ko ni kucing ke apa ar?
Boboy and his girlfren, whittle gurl, she died from poisning :( |
got quite bad between my Amma and me so I finally decided to move into my own
apartment with my three (3) boys, Boboy, Kutty and Lexie. I had other cats before
that but a few got poised, sakit hati tengok anak aku mati terseksa. I hope the
basterds who poisoned them will kena one day. Anyway, moving out caused some
problem initially since Boboy was both indoor and outdoor boy. At Amma’s place,
he was free to roam because he knew how to balik rumah but my apartment was
mostly covered with jalan tar and not much greenery so susah nak bagi dia
lepas. The blocks are also very confusing. I know, he knew our apartment is on
the top floor, he just gets confused which block to climb. He also had problem with
‘doing his business’ again. Kutty and Lexie had no problem adjusting to our new
place while Boboy was having trouble and he would be restless.
Can u leave me alone pls.... |
Lepak-lepal at balcony |
My three boys |
was feeling guilty for keeping him locked inside so I bought a leash and start
to train him to go for ‘walking’
around or apartment area. The neighborhood people start noticing and they were
very impressed that Boboy would just folo my direction as we stroll around our
block. After few training I start to walk him to my Amma’s place. Once we reach
to the ground floor, he would wait if I say, our place and Patti’s place (Amma’s
place), then he would walk with me and stop once a while to roll on the dirt.
When we walk to my Amma’s place, some people would stop and look. Amazed how ‘obedient’
this kitty was. Once reach Amma’s place, I would ‘tie’ him near a bushy area
while I go lepak at Amma’s and Big Akka’s house. He would have his ‘own time’
lepakking while wait for me.
His favourite spot to 'spray' |
Ntah apa bau ada kat situ |
was going on for almost a year. Once or twice he managed to escape from the
leash and figured out that our apartment is not that far from Amma’s place. I
let him lepak for few days till member sudah lapar and he would ‘come to me to
go home to’ once perut dah lapar. There was even once when I opened my
apartment door, he just rushed out and strait away lari pegi to his spot. He
was a smart cookie. Every day bila dah balik, he would ‘ask’ if I’m gonna take
him out for jalan-jalan. I will ‘inform him’ of the time and once dah lambat
sikit. Mak datuk hang, mula lah dia nak melalak. ‘You promised! You promised
Ammaaaaaaaaaaa!!!’. I would give in and bring him. It was a good exercise for
me as well. Lepas dah puas hati. He will climb the staircase by himself. Sampai
rumah minum air and lepak at his spot on top of my cupboard.
Like a Baus! |
He was the Baus |
mood baik, will sit next to me, then I start ‘talking’ to him till he gets
Bonding time bila mood baik |
We had a good thing going on. Whenever anybody comes to our apartment,
he would hide. He was not so fond of my Akka’s. He would keep quite while they
are around but once they leave….keluar lah macam-macam dia membebel! Ngiau
ngiau ntah apa dia bising! Once in a while I also take him to my Big Akka’s
house, which he hated, tapi he will behave while my Akka pulak buli dia. He
gives this ‘look’ which drives my Akka nuts. My Akka told me not to tie him
there in case something bad happens to him. I always brushed it off saying he
is a tough boy and know how to take care of himself.
Memang hensem giler Boboy aku! |
because of my stubbornness, tragedy happened one day. It was the last day of
holiday after Hari Raya. I did my usual tying him at the bush area and lepak
both at Amma’s and then Akka’s place. It was also rainy season. This time, I don’t
know why I hung out longer than the usual time and it was drizzling. My Akka
started scolding me for leaving Boboy tied in the rain so finally at about 10
pm I got down from her place and went to the bushy area.
Sigh...silly fatal mistake and lost him forever... |
called out his name, he would usually reply with…Amma….but this time, nothing…I
was like…alamak he terlepas again ke? So I pointed the tiny laser touch light
into the dark and noticed his leash was still there. I turned to my right and
to my horror. I saw his body being twisted by a freaking ular fucking sawa! Can
you believe it? I shouted in terror with all kind of swear words coming out of
my mouth while calling out his name and stomping my feet. I’m not sure but I
think I might have stepped on the blardy snake. I thought Boboy was just being
twisted so I bend down near the tree and untied the leash and turned back and noticed
the snake was gone. I quickly carried him near my Akka’s place.
realized then Boboy was already gone, right under my nose. Who the fuck would
have thought, a housing area which has developed more than 20 years would keep
such an awful creature lurking in its bushes. I called my Akka and told her…Boboy is gone
Akka, Boboy die redy. She was shocked as she came down. He really was gone. I could
feel some of his bones have broken, bend because of the devil snake grip. Another
few minutes I would not even got to ‘see’ him. The fucking snake would have swollen
my Abi and wait for another victim soon. I was crying my eyes out. I couldn’t
believe he was gone. My Akka tried to calm me down but I just lost it. I kept
saying ‘I want him back’ ‘I want my Boboy back Akka’, ‘I killed my son, I killed
my son’. I indeed did. If only, I listened to my Akka. If only I didn’t tie him
so tight, he would have escaped his death.
Amma noticed the commotion and shouted from her balcony. My niece told her what
happen and she was going bezerk. I was still crying hoping he would answer me
but my Boboy was gone. He was gone before I found him. I went blank till a
abang passed by and asked what happened. He was like God-sent because he helped to calm me down a
bit. He asked me what I wanted to do…I remember replying….’Saya nak dia balik
Bang…Saya nak bawak dia balik….’ He said…. ‘Saya faham dik tapi dia dah tade…sekarang
awak kena lepaskan dia’…nanti Abang tolong kebumikan dia ye? Sigh….bury him???
but I want my Boboy back…have could have I done something so stupid??? He was
good cat, he was my Abi, he was my boy…..my Boboy. I failed him.
Abang returned with a cangkul and whispered a prayer into Boboy’s ear and
helped me to bury Boboy. I returned home and Kutty and Lexie and by then I also
had few other cats with me. They just sat near me. I didn’t sleep one bit that
night. My Amma and Akka kept calling to check on me. I felt like a parent who
lost her child. I felt so empty. Our house was suddenly so quite because only
Boboy would make noise. I had no one to talk to. I avoid from going to Amma’s
place for a while. I performed some prayers so that his soul would rest in
peace. I hope Boboy is resting in peace. Even though I failed him in the end, I
hope he had a happy life four years with me.
That 'look' he gives.... |
miss him so much till now. I thought I was the only one who missed him but
turned out even my Akka’s was sad to have lost him. I guess he did leave an
impression in all our us. Today, 26th August 2013 marks one year
since I lost him. I wish I could turn back time to avoid the mishap but sigh…all
I can do now is take good care the rest of my kitties. You may think this is
silly but I miss my Boboy and will always love him.
I miss you Abi....... thank you for coming into my life Boboy.... |