Well after missing the flying fun at the
previous #TSDayOut, I was picked to be part of month of May’s day out with a
twist. This time it was medical tourism activity. Med...what? Errr…mende tuh?
This was something lain daripada lain, but then Tourism Selangor (TS) memang selalu
do things lain daripada lain kan? We had to make our way to Shah Alam to a
medical centre…but but but…am not sick…why nak pegi hospital pulak? There lies the
jeng jeng jeng part…
Flyers with information can be found here, there, everywhere |
initial reaction of ‘ERK!!!’ when I was informed that the latest outing
involved being indoors in a hospital was because having had both my parents
working in hospital while I was kanak-kanak ribena (they are retired now) I was
well accustomed to almost every corner of the hospital (the hospital is now
known as Pusat Perubatan University Malaya (PPUM)). Heck I even got admitted
once or twice (not in mental ward just to be clear!) tapi DEMC Specialist
Hospital ni memang chun giler weh! They offer boutique concept. Bou…what? I
thought hotel je got that concept, since when medical centre adopt this idea?
Lai lai la |
look at the list of participants, I knew I was with good company, after almost
a year of joining this awesome outings, I’ve made quite a lot of new friends,
either with other participants who don’t mind me being annoying and also TS
staffs. Hehehe…this time lagi syiok because I get new victims to kacau in the
form of DEMC peopen (not a typo) pulak. Ntah bila gona kena sepak sebab bising
sangat. What to do…when you are happy, kenalah bising rite?
Lucky participants |
Smile semua! |
the journey to DEMC itself was a fun one, Amirul went to fetch Bella then kutip
me lepas tuh lepak depan Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Academy kat Kelana Jaya jap check out chicks while
waiting for the pramugari, Cindy to join us fresh after landing from Melbourne.
Semangat budak ni, tak tido for almost 24 hours, still nak join, makeup oso
belum remove. Lepas dah sampai, we reached our destination without getting
lost. (You are welcome guys, told you I’m good at giving direction!) Ngeh ngeh
DEMC je, jumpa Miss Social Network, Dian, lepas tuh pegi register nama and got
another #TSDayOut t shirt. This time kaler hijau, DEMC’s corporate kaler.
Niiiiiiice!!! Sambil wait for others, mulalah kecoh sebab jumpa balik familiar
faces while make more new friends. After semua dah sampai, we were ushered into
Bilik Kayangan for some tayangan. Puan Naslin Irina Aziz, Head of Department of
DEMC Wellness Department gave us some useful information about what to expect.
Followed by speeches from VIP’s. Nope, I didn’t make any speech, maybe next
time. Cewah poyo tak?
Welcome semua... |
Thank you for coming... |
Corporate video with loads of useful infomation |
the brief intro we were escorted for some yummy treats at Sutera Lounge. Before
heading there, we were told that tempat tuh cam MAS punya Golden Lounge…hmm…we’ll
see…dah sampai…terus impressed giler. Memang chun weh. Certified by MAS stewardess
herself, aka Cindy.
Walkway to the lounge, Dr Bunny and the entrance |
One look at the spread dah lapar dah. Macam-macam makanan
ada so apa lagi? Serang!!! Tengah syok walap, Renuga (TS resident aci!) warned
us… “Haaaa…lepas ni ada medical checkup tau, so control sikit ek”….hek eleh…dah
offer good food pastu suruh control…apa kes? Mum mum jelah…tengah sibuk
walap…Dr. Bunny decides to drop by. Apparently it’s a weekly weekend specialty at DEMC.
This cute ‘Doc’ will pass balloon around to kids, snap pictures, salam-salam.
Comelnyer!!! Aku siap peluk lagi! Then we took a group shot depan lounge tuh.
Sedap woahhhhhhhh |
with the real program walaupun I wanted to stay and munch on more food. Kami
dibawa ke DEMC Wellness Centre. Kat situ got few rooms for different procedures.
Some of the procedures memang I tak reti nak sebut without twisting my lidah,
hence why I’m not in that line of work.
Tak rasa macam kat Medical Central at all! |
Try saying these out fast and loud... |
Lepas semua dah kumpul, we were split
into groups, some got to do skin rejuvenation procedure, tapi sebab ramai
sangat only few got chosen, iaitu skin yang nampak buruk (kekeke) kena pick to
do that (*yang
tak sempat pegi haritu were given voucher to go on a later date which I did,
continue baca to know what happen or you can skip terus below when you see the
* sign) while everybody got to go for
body composition analysis and health checkup.
Blood pressure, mole removal, dietician advise, cleansing and 'lasering' underway |
Kena measure weight on a fancy
looking machine, siap boleh ukur berat tulang and stuff. Lepas tu measure
blood pressure, check glucose level, check mata and lepas keluar result, got
dietician bagi advice where to add and what to reduce. Pressure gak bila kena
panggil depan budak-budak ni. Nasib lah saya jenis terlampau sihat, just gotta
loose sum spare tire here and there.
Testing testing |
Poke poke....check mata |
waiting for everybody to abis, we all get to lepak at bilik menunggu yang also cool
giler. Got comfy couch, drinks and magazines. Memang selesa abis lepak sana.
Chill and lepak while waiting for their turn |
Sambil tunggu, I went on my usual kepochi mode. Snap picture, dono snap what
picture tapi main snap jer, sambil tuh kacau budak-budak tu semua, kacau the
staff then duduk diam, aku pulak kena kacau. Aik…hmm…it’s ok…kacau lah…bukan
kena bayar pun kan? I think by now people are more worried if I sit quietly
rather than I kacau orang. Best part, dok sibuk ask about mammogram technique.
I mean it is part of the medical procedure kan?
Glucose and blood pressure test result...my result |
lepas semua orang dah dapat their medical report, it was tour time.
Macam dapat result SPM pulak! |
Miss Crystal Ho Fei Lin,
Head of Department for Marketing & Public Relations brought us around.
First stop, Physiotherapy
or was it Rehabilitation room…err…I forgot, tapi it was like a mini gym lar.
For those who nak recover balik their fitness. I remember this kind of room
masa kena admit time kecik dulu. Rasa macam kat playground jer! Now
unfortunately my Mom kena use this room kat PPUM since she lost her leg to
diabetic, grim reminder for me to watch my sugar intake! Gulp!
This is not a playground ok |
gotta admit by then I was a bit tired redy tapi teruskan gak because our ‘tour
guide’ memang pandai nak explain. Lepas tuh kena naik atas to X-ray and Mammogram
room respectively…semua jerit nak tengok demo and guess beruk mana kena
volunteer? Kuang kuang kuang, alah bukan apa, letak tangan je, lepas tuh kena
penyek. No wonder they say you only have to do it after 40 years or older.
Sakit siot kena penyek! Dah puas?
ehem ehem...siapa mau mamo? |
Move on please…we were brought to visit the
wards. Mula-mula pegi children’s ward. Makkkkk…..kalau aku kena admit kat sini
masa kecik memang tak mau balik rumah. Got Wi-Fi, satellite TV channel, heck
even the toilet is kalerful. Outside the corridor got lukisan yang comel-comel.
Even parents would secretly wish they were staying in this ward yo!
Haaaaaaaaa......chun tak? Cute kan? |
Lepas tuh,
if by now you think the Sutera Lounge, DEW Wellness Centre and children’s ward looks
cool. Depa punya executive and suite ward hallway je dah cantek giler. Macam
five star hotel! Heck they even have butler service you know! Butler as to help
you with anything you want! You even can pay your bill by your bedside when you
get discharged! How cool is that? Too bad semua bilik dah penuh so we didn’t get
to check out the room personally but I bet kalau aku masuk memang dah admit
myself then and there itself kut.
Told you corridoor nampak lawa kan? |
dah abis tour, more food! This
time lunch was served 5 star style. Macam-macam variety and since I was too
tired and hungry to snap any pictures, I just makan je.
Nom nom nom....burp....ops sorry... |
Sambil tu borak and
pick picture to submit for best photography contest…hmm…macamlah boleh menang. Every
time aku submit tapi tak pernah menang pun. Dah tuh, this time got quite a few
veteran winners, so chances nak memang tuh lagilah susah. Makan jelah Mani,
kacau orang jelah Mani tapi still submit my pictures. Lepas dah kenyang it was
time to announce the winners for previous #TSDayOut blog, only one victor
showed up. Then Miss Renu, announced the winners for Best Photography, first
sekali Adam…mamat ni kalau tak menang memang tak sah, dah tuh he siap volunteer
to remove a mole during the skin rejuvenation procedure (hmm…memang tuah buang
taik lalat lar tuh!), lepas tuh second winner, Cindy Tong, amoi ni lagi satu
champion snap gambar. Last sekali, jeng jeng jeng…my name was announced…UIKS…ko
biar betul…sure or not? Waaaaaaaaa…..bestnyer….first time woah!!! Yahooo!!! I
would like to thank my mother father gentlemen…eh….hehehe…sorry over excited
pulak! Bangga siot menang! Lepas tuh session photography with the VIP and
Cewah....ekekekee look at my suprised face! |
Extra goodies from DEMC! Thank you! |
Lepas dah claim the prize money it was time for group shot!
Smile semua! Thank you for joining.
Another successful #TSDayOut! |
* Mula-mula bila tak kena pilih to do skin
rejuvenation procedure during #TSDayOut but got voucher instead to come back
again, rasa macam malas pulak nak pegi, but my friend Yen didn’t want to waste such a
good offer so she called up and fix appointment for us. Ok lah…can lah…bukan
kena buat apa pun kan? Why let go such a chance. Two (2) weeks after #TSDayOut
we made our way once again to DEMC. Sampai tengok they were celebrating their
DEMC Nurses Open Day and had loads of fun activities ongoing. Memang happening
lah tempat ni. We walap nasi lemak while waiting for the Doc finish with her
patient. We bumped into Puan Nazlin and she sempat gurau, "Today got Mammogram
check, u nak pegi tak?"….ehehe…amboi dah pandai buat lawak ek? Tengah syiok
lepak dalam waiting room, our turn arrived.
Happening place to be |
Event for Nurses Open Day |
We met with Dr Shirleyna Chan, Aesthetic Medicine
Consultant. Mula-mula ingat masuk bilik, baring, kena bzzz bzzz under the laser
like the other day and cabut but no…we were very lucky. Dr. Shirley decided to
spent some one on one time with both of us. Asking about our skin regimen…errr
saya tak pakai apa-apa for my face. Facial oso dono when last I did. She showed
some pictures of the treatment she had done on her patient and the result really
impressed us. Really can see the difference siot! Lepas tuh tukar focus to us.
Since I will be going to beach soon, she decided to perform another procedure on
me while Yen had the same laser treatment. While waiting for Yen, my face kena
sapu dengan numbing cream so later tak sakit kena cucuk. This was a really good
as this time tak kena himpit by anybody. I snapped some pictures freely. Doc
Shirley despite being very chun camera shy pulak…ehehehe…if I had her complexion
fuh….memang parade muka sana sini.
Yen tengah kena bzzz bzzzz bzzzzz |
After Yen was done, it was my turn.
Both my left and right cheek dah numb, tak rasa anything much. Then Dr.
Shirley’s assistant, Miss Jackie begun my procedure called micro needling. She wiped off the
cream then mula poke my face with the needle that looked smaller than strand of
hair. Kecik je, ada dalam four needles inside the ‘poking thingy’. She started
to 'bzz bzz bzz' my right side cheek dulu. I didn’t feel any pain expect
listening to that annoying sound…rasa macam ada robot Transformers battling on
my face pulak! She was very good as she kept checking if I was in any pain
while explaining to Yen and I what she was doing. Yen helped me to snap some
poke poke poke |
The whole process took about 30-40 minutes and I was told that this process will make my pores get smaller. If I come for follow up treatment, my skin condition will improve a lot. We see lah how later ek...tengok if this first 'poking session' works on not. Miss Jackie did tell me that it takes few sessions before I can see visible result but guess what, I went to work on Monday and my friends already notice that me skin nampak smooth sket. Cewah...not bad ey? Ok ok...nanti kena allocate budget for this treatment. Ada sesiapa nak sponser tak?
Before, during and after... |
Immediately after and few days later |
Anyways, the whole experience overall changed my perception about a medical centre, it’s not
long just a place full of sick people but it’s a place where you go to get
well. Everywhere we turn, whoever we bump into had a smiley and friendly face. DEMC
managed to capture their target vision and mission. Honestly as for this
edition of #TSDayOut, my assumption of it would a boring one was cured by
awesome DEMC personnel who accompanied us throughout the whole journey. Should
you need any or further information click your mouse to DEMC informative website.
Goodies galore! Thank you DEMC! |
Totally worth going |
you Tourism Selangor for this opportunity to be part of another new experience. I
have always had the best time during each and every single #TSDayOut and
looking forward to more new adventure in hidden gems in and around Selangor.
Bravo once again Tourism Selangor! |
P/s - Photo credit goes to Nigel Low, Amirul, Yen and my sister for lending me her camera!