there my blog reading minions! How have you been? Ready to read tru my latest
adventure? Cewah…perasan like Indiana Jones pulak! Anyway after the kreziness
that was at the previous Tourism Selangor's Day’s Out (TSDO) in Krabi, Thailand
for the month of January. I thought I would be banned from joining anymore #TSDayOut!
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Jeng jeng jeng... |
days before the event, a familiar posting on Tourism Selangor (TS) FB page was
made. For February it’s Sky Trex Adventure babeh! Heck Yeah! I tried it before
in 2011 with Hindu Seputeh Youth Organization and was looking forward for
another adventure with different bunch of people!
usual, registered my name and waited for the result while making some back up
plan in case my name got dropped. Turns out the insane people in charge of this
fun filled program decided to still let me slip tru! Say what now?
Really? Really Really? Oh well! Don’t say I didn’t warn you but…wat the heck,
let’s just enjoy while it lasts shall we?
the usual procedure, I was ready to set my foot again at Taman Botani Negara
(TBN), Shah Alam! What made this TSDO even special’er was some of the Krabi
gang also was picked! Owh yeah! Good lah! Lagi syoik when got existing gang
members while recruiting new victims! Hehehe.
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Amacam ada gaya tak? ;) |
day arrived and thank you Cik Dian for the early pick up and drive all the way
to Shah Alam ride! Oh also thanks for the nasi lemak! It was yummeh! Pedas tapi
yummeh! Once we reached TBN, it was like a mini re-union session. Saw some of
the familiar faces mixed with weird looks. Looks like some people still
remember what I did/didn’t do in Krabi! (ngeh ngeh ngeh!) Read my previous blog
to find out what went on at THAT TSDO! Anyways, once the crowd was gathered, TS
Big Boss, Encik Fazly gave a small opening speech to break the ice, we signed
our life away for the day and board the bus to the spot.
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TS Boss, En. Fazly nak nyanyi lagu! |
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Sign away if u dare! |
I got down, I was eager to climb but then perut lapar pulak.
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Heck Yeah! |
Luckily there was
short briefing from Encik Azlan while I
manage to walap the nasi lemak! Must eat first kan? If not, pengsan half way
siapa mau angkat? The short briefing time was just nice for me to fill up my
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Checkit! |
Ok now, where’s the trail? Let’s go oredi. Let’s get the gears on!
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Owh well... |
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More form |
there were quite a number of newbies (macam la aku ni pro sangat!), a demo
session was conducted to intro the equipments that will be used during the
course. There was the thing called carabineer and pulley (translate into Tamil
jadi Lion!) Ok lah tu! I’m carrying a Lion on my waist yo!
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Let's put in on! |
The instructor
showed us the way to climb, walk tru the plank and then the best part flying
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Wooohooo…aik so short one…owh! Ini training je ma! Later one will be
higher and far’er! Can see some people oredi having cold sweat! After getting
everyone tru the training, it was time to do the REAL thing!
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Dengar baik baik semua |
last time I went, we were put tru the Extreme Trail! I took like forever to
climb the damn tangga and once reach the top and was asked to fly using a rope.
I was like, ko gilo ke apa suruh aku let go? Ko tak nampak ke aku ni besar,
pastu tali dia nipis semacam. Buatnya bende tu putus how? I was stuck there for
a good 5 minutes before the others started to kutuks me and the fella behind me
oredi climbed and almost wanted to push me! Sumhow I managed to kumpul enuff
guts and let gooooooo….jerit macam nak rak! But that was then….this
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This was one of Extreme trails path! |
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I struggled on this one last time! |
Big trail je ke? Hmm…no hal! It’s in the bag yo! Berlagak kan? Hehehe
waiting for people in front of me panjat the tangga I was busy snapping away loads
of Das Auto pictures! Heck, it was there so what u want me to do? Click click
click lar! Then just about to insaf my camera batt exhausted pulak! Chey! Kena
sabo by my own barang! Hampeh betul. Dah la tak bawak handfon so simpan jelah
conserve bateri.
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Wanna jump? |
turn came on and I started to panjat lar pastu half way tru ran out of stim.
Mak ai…tinggi giler pulak tangga neh! Semput dah, so I took my time while beruk-beruk
kat bawah mula bising. Nak pick up pace oso tak larat so just went with the flow
lar. Reached the top and looked down. Mak ai! Sah patah kaki kalau jatuh bawah.
After the climb it was walking on tangga like rope! Cool giler but scared oso.
After that it was another short climb then walk on the plank time. Yeay yeay
dah semangat dah ni! Then tetiba kena emergency break! After the plank walk it
was the first flying fox. Some really had hard time doing it! Baru keluar
rahsia, fear of heights rupanya. I was like a happy monkey waiting to jump from
one branch to another while others really had to dig deep into their courage to
complete what looked like a simple task to me.
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Heya! Let's go |
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Zig to the zag! |
baik eskyen so switch mode kejap, bagi motivation sikit. Just sit, hold on to
the tali, angkat kaki, let go and jerit je! Nobody will scold you. Sounds
simple enuff rite? But yeah, bravo to all scary pants who did it! *Pat yourself
at the back yo!
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Lepak borak sat! |
the first obstacle was behind you, it was a smooth sail towards the end. Just
some slight delay here and there. Besides the climbing, flying foxing this trail also had walking like ketam on tight rope, swing like Tarzan, zig zag
plank walking. In short, I was transformed back to my childhood panjat pokok
time. I was so comfortable surrounded by green trees and ropes.
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Careful Nigel! |
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Emily was on fire once she got the hang of it! |
At one point I even
managed to get my camera battery stay alive long enough to record myself shouting like
a krezi nut. I mean, the chance is there so why miss it rite? Nothing to lose
except just some voice!
This trail I must admit was much simpler compared to
the Extreme one. I now look forward to going back and doing it all over again.
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Photo credit to Emily! Thanks gurl! |
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Yang ni susah! ketar-ketar kaki nak jalan! |
end of the trail, thank God nobody got injured, maybe just some bruised egos!
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Lega back on the ground again! L to R - Rashidi, Dian, mua & Renuga! |
Walked back to our point on meeting, waiting for us. Yummy mum mum. One look
and my knee went weak! Mak ai! Merahnyer! Confirm burn and die if I walap
banyak tapi lapar pulak so just took some rice to isi perut. After that one by
one that finished the trail started to arrive and it was time to submit five
(5) best pictures for the photo contest. Theme for the day was perspective…well…what
the heck…just submit lar. Janji had loads of fun. While waiting, made more new
friends quietly. Somehow when I go for TSDO, I sit quietly oso considered an
offence. Others were like, why you so quite? o.O
lah…I can be quite you know.
Jemput jemput semua |
that, it was another bus ride to the Four Seasons Hotel…eh I mean Rumah Iklim
Empat Musim! We were burning under the hot Sun so it was cool – pun intended
when we got into the ‘Rumah’ and waddaya know?! It was winter season! Yeay….tapi
tengok dari luar lar…but still sejuks giler. Barely few minutes, mulut dah
keluar asap yo! Snapped some picture konon kat sum Europe country, pastu keluar
balik into reality!
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Jum masuk cepat! Panas neh |
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So....did I tell the time I went to the North Pole? ;) |
that we had the option to go to the Herbal Farm of sumting tapi ramai sangat
dah kiok so just proceed to the Photo Contest Prize cum Certificate of
Completion giving ceremony. Sadly my picture didn’t score top 6 best pictures.
Mana nak menang, orang ambil gamba perspective but aku dok ambik gambar Das
Auto! Kekeke
Padan muka terlepas duit ang pow kan?
Padan muka terlepas duit ang pow kan?
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Woot! Woot! |
all good tough because I gained something much better than money. More new
friends to be add/approved on my FB list and followers for my Twitter. Korang
sure nak be my frend/follower ke? Aku ni lain macam tau! You have been warned
ok so later jangan complain!
group photo, back to the bus then kena eject at the main entrance. Pok pek pok
pek sat, exchange number and what not then bye bye TSDO! Till next month again,
ifffffffffffff kena pilih lar kan?
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One for the album! |
we had remainder of our gang with a new addition, we re-route to walap some mee
ketam! Sedap siooooooooooooooooot! Must go back again!
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Goodies bag courtesy of Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam! Heart the fridge magnet! |
it folks! This edition of another freaking awesome TSDO! I don’t know what you
organizers had in mind when you guys came up with this idea but you will get my
support as long as I’m not banned. Speaking from my 5th experience
with Tourism Selangor Day’s Out, I've always had an amazing time with the team and
More importantly I’ve
truly learned a lot about places in Selangor which I never knew existed and
made tons of new friends! I hope to continue experiencing more new adventures
in a great negeri called Selangor!
romba nandri!
P/s - For more pictures, pls click this link below
*Photo credits to Nigel, Dian, Milo, Emile and Rashidi! Tengkiu!