there…back again to read my krezi ramblings aren’t we?
This time, I have a treat for u because it was treat for meself as well! As I mentioned
in my earlier posting. I had such an awesome time every time I joined Tourism
Selangor Day’s Out, I practically start stalking their page and got to know
Krabi! Yippee! I came so close so many times but never aculi made my way there
so what better way to finally set my foot there than going on a bus trip with
bunch awesome peopen (no, I didn’t misspell, I will explain my ‘typo mistake’
later!) Get ready for some krezi adventure!
It was not easy getting picked, because so many others wanted this opportunity
as well. Heck, when they first posted and mention it was by invitation, my
heart sank…Damn! Not again! I went to my sad corner waiting for the next Day’s
Out announcement but as luck would have it…TS peeps decided to pick 10 lucky
souls (5 from FB and 5 from Twitter) to be on board! Apa lagi???!!!
Wiiiiiiiii….. wrote my name and waited for the good news and good news it was!
My name got picked and not only that! Two of my friends were chosen as well!
Double yippee! It’s about time we spend more than few hours together after
being friends for so long right Maryam and Melvin? *Disclaimer – I don’t have
any inside people in Tourism Selangor okie!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Totally worth more than the RM600 we paid for! |
to dig for my passport after letting it sleep thru out 2012! Open tengok
expiring on 14th Jan 2013, one day after we be back from the trip!
Doink! Tak pelah…mayb it’s a sign that I gonna get to travel this year! Nak
tanak kena re-new. Thanks Doggie (my nickname for my bestie!) for the transportation
to the immigration!
After getting the passport renewed, it was time to look for luggage, thanks
Santhi Akka for the bag! and thanks big Akka for trusting me with your camera!
What would I do without you ladies?!
The next challenge is get my leave approved, agak-agak lah, baru start New Year
nak cuti 3 days! Gulp! Time to get on Boss’s good side and nasib my crappy
files somehow started to clear and my leave was approved! Yipppeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Next up, packing….ugh…I hate this part…I always over pack but this time I went
over the iternary properly and did a decent job. Just nice to cover 5 amazing
days! The day finally arrived!
Melvin for the pagi buta ride to the pick-up point kat Shah Alam. Nasib we
didn’t sesat anywhere! Saw some familiar faces upon arrival and waited for the
rest to join.
Pick up and drop off point |
Maryam made it as well! Yeay! Got buddies! Picked our seat on the
bus and made our move. Some mini ice breaking sessions was conducted on the
bus. We got to know who we gonna spent the next 4 nites! TS also announced a
lot of good news for us. Complimentary massage (YES!!!), fresh coconut and what
not! Yippee! Really gonna be an awesome trip this one!
Briefing time! Focus pls! |
I didn’t get a proper sleep the night before so I sorta dozed off until we
reached a pit stop for a short brekkie. Walap the food and on with the journey.
Dozed again till reached Penang for some press con at Royal Hotel, Penang. Was
so damn hungry so didn’t quite concentrated what was going on but happy when I
got my first fridge magnet courtesy of Tourism Penang! After the photo session,
we were served lunch!
One for the album! |
Fooooooooooooooooooooooood! Nom nom nom
nom…sedapppppppp….Melvin, Maryam and I sat together and we were joined by Anis!
Had some interview session and made our first new friend! Yeay! After filling
our tummy, the long haul journey to the sempadan begins. I was dozing on and
off, been sometime since I last spend so much time in the bus.
Can't remember the last time I crossed at this border! |
We reached the
sempadan and a big reveal happened while waiting for our passport to be
prepared! Time to know who gonna be the roomie! I got to bunk in with Lily (hey
roomie!), I’ve seen her at previous Day Out so it was cool! Even cooler? She is
a chatter box just like me! Yeay! No need silent mode when in the room! Can
bising sama-sama!
Lega semua lepasssss....hehehe |
ride continued to Sadao check point, lined up, passport stamped and it’s time
to minus one hour from our watch.
Stamping time! |
We were introduced to our awesome tour guide,
Miss Inky (she is one kinky lady I tell ya!)
The fab Miss Inky! Tichooooooooooooo |
I love Thai tour guides, they are
the best! With her funny accent and slap stick jokes. She had us laughing our
ass off with her wittiness! The word tissue will never be pronounced the same
way ever again! She made her intro and first order of the business…ehem ehem…who
wants to go to Thai Girls/Aqua show or massage or free and easy? Time to pick!
I must say despite visiting Thailand many times, I’ve never been to Thai Girl
show. Went to Aqua Show during my previous company trip and was disgusted when
I saw my X boss behaving un-Bossly! No offence, tapi kalau dah lelaki memang
gatal! Eeeeee…
turned out there were some noti monkeys in the bus and we manage to gather
enuff ppl to hit the show. We arrived at our home for the night, Diamond Plaza
Hotel, Hatyai.
Nice and comfy place! |
Cantek giler at strategic location sumore! Dumped our bag and
ventured out for dinner! More friendship was formed! Loved it! Ordered our food.
Food was so so only tapi janji kenyang lar. After feeding the perut it was time
to cuci mata! Van was waiting andddddd….off we went…the place looked kinda shady.
Was served our drinks, paid 500 bath for the whole experience and what an
experience it was! Damn! I could never listen to some of my favorite songs the
same way again! Almost one hour full of acid to eyes show! Burst out laughing
so many times…thinking WOAH! … I can’t believe what she/he just ‘did’ on the
stage! Alas I was no longer a Thai Girl show virgin. Was laughing the whole way
back to the hotel. Next up on the agenda…Thai massage! YEAY!!! 2 hours of
pancake for 300 bath only! Now that’s what I call an amazing deal! P/s – I got
mini molested by my masseuse, well, what the heck! I’m in Thailand! Just gotta
smile about it! After the massage, I dozed off around 1 am.
up the next morning, with new set of friends hunting for halal food around
Hatyai. Bumped into Kelantanese shop and had our Nasi Lemak. Let’s just say…the
makcik where I get my Nasik Lemak is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better! Tapi
takpelah, janji dapat makan kan?
The breakfast club! Maryam, Dyat & Bella! |
were packed and checked out of Diamond Plaza Hotel (cue Rihanna’s Diamond song,
it was on replay thru out my stay at the hotel, nasib they didn’t use it on the
Thai Girl show wey!).
Sing with me now.....shine like the Diamond...shine like the Diamond! |
on the bus-lag; we embarked on our journey to Krabi with a pit stop for lunch. Watched
a movie which I have watched before but what the heck, Ryan Gosling deserve
more than one time watch I say! Arrived at our destination, few hours before
closing time.
Get ready to walk your @$$ out! |
Walked, walked and walked some more! Panting and sweating but
once my eyes saw the Pool! Oh My God! You truly are great! I’ve never seen
anything like this! Worth all the walking I tell ya! Such clear blue water
hence the name, The Blue Pool! Funny part! It farts, well sorta! U gotta clap
ur hand and bubbles come out of it! Hehehe….kinky! After snapping future FB
profile picture, we turned back to soak up the water in the Emerald Pool.
Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....worth all the sweat! |
Smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee |
a handicap without my glasses, I refused to get into the water but as the theme
of our future gang. I was pressured to get my ass into the water! Adoi! Dah ler
mata blur, kaki pun pendek…how nak enjoy? but boy I was wrong! The bunch of
krezi people I had with me proved me wrong! In no time I turned into a katak
air! Tippy toe! Tippy toe! Kekekeke…more photo op!
Snap snap snap click click click |
Under water lar, here lah,
there lah…asyik snap snap snap je! We were the noisiest bunch! Drenched with
water, it was time to pack up! Another long walk back! Adoi…I tink I lost sum
weight there! Good la kan?
bus ride…zzzz…woke up….zzzzz…woke up…then dah sampai dah…Krabi Success Resort,
Ao Nang! Masuk bilik je my jaw dropped! Cantek giler wey!!!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
Waaaaaaaaaa but wifi connection! Doink! Ish Ish Ish…well….takpe lar….if got
wifi then can’t enjoy the hotel kan? After freshen uppen, the awesome people
PCP sponsored our seafood dinner! Yahooooo! but but but Good Lord! I shd hv js
see the food not eat it coz it was damn spicy! Tengok je nak nangis dah! Pedah
giler dowh! Was chugging water like a tank! Some of them even chocked! Uhuk!
Sawadeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee |
After that, jeng jeng jeng, we split into groups and what a group I landed in!
Such krezi krezi krezi giler sewel! Introducing our peopen (wait for it, I will
explain the meaning of peopen, I promise!) Afik (the Google guy and my
‘keyboard’!), Suren (Liverfool…eh I mean Liverpool reject!), Melvin (the
Duracell bunny, dude I didn’t know u had such stamina wey!), Sarah (my first
anak ayam! ehem ehem!) and Dian (So called TS rep tapi once she gets giler
terus jadi syko!) and your truly (the Good gurl!).
Introducing the Krezi Krabi Krew!
From left - Dian, Mua, Sarah (3 chicks) and (the 4 bhois) Suran, Melvin & Afik! (Ashraf belum lagik masa tuh!) |
We went roaming around the
Krabi nite market, bought some souvenirs, had some Haagen-Dazs,
Yummeh |
floated some
good luck balloon, walked, walked and walked sumore, bumped into other group;
found wifi….updated our status and what not! Chilled a bit and moved on to Krabi’s
nitelife! Happening giler wey! So many pubs so little time. Went up and down
few places and finally settled at Chang Bar. The music was off the hook! Bought
ourselves some drinks…lepak and wait for the dance floor to fill up. Next thing
u know our gang were inside the bar hopping, bopping, jumping and building our
own train track inside the Bar! We danced like there’s no tomoro while I showed
off my ‘keyboard’ playing skills on our bhois! hehehe…thanks for layaning guys!
We danced and danced, while Melvin’s and Suran’s eye kept looking at the pool
table. Unfortunately, it was full house so we kept dancing, some even ‘rested’
on the pillar nearby (ehem! ehem!). Didn’t notice that time was passing by till
the music stopped at 2 am!
Heck Yeah babeh! |
We were soaked in our sweats but had an awesome
time! After gaining some composure and we tried to walk back but who are we
kidding? So damn far lar! Stopped a tuk tuk (krezi driver nevertheless!) and
reached safely to our respective rooms. I was smelling like a bleeding ashtray
so I soaked inside bathtub first because I know I can’t wake up early to shower
the next morning! Thanks roomie for letting me inside the room. After soaking
terus flattttttttttt around 4 am I think!
morning with less than 3 hours sleep, day 3 of our awesome trip arrived. After
a quick bite, it was time for some Island Hopping!
Another one for the album!!! Smile everybadi!!!!! |
First destination got my
horny reputation on the radar even though I stayed low profile…well…what the
heck…I must admit, never seen so many dicks all at the same place at once! It
was again an ‘eye opener’ indeed!
Errrrrr.....well...... |
ehem ehem.... |
Took more than few shots to show to folks at
home! and then moved on to Thup Island! The water there! Oh My Water God! So
clear! So cantik! Damn I wish I cld see clearer without my glasses!
God's wonderful creation at it's best! |
Tippy toe
time once again and sat on the rock watching others. Then try to see fishy,
just like in Redang. Such brave lil fish! More photo op pursued. Snap snap
snap. Then got back on land with fresh coconut waiting to be sipped! I came in
last and was told dah habis! Giler! But of couse I got one in the end and baru
nak minum dah kena halau naik boat balik! Sip Sip Sip…nasib tak choke! Uhuk
On the way we saw more islands, Koda Island and also Chicken Island which
looked more like a Turkey to me!
Chickeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen Island! |
My homies on the boat! |
Arrived just in time for lunch! Yeay! More
food! This time it was simple tapi sedap, plus the place had wifi so apa lagik?
Update update update kasi kawan jeles! Got tones of komens of earlier postings…some
happy am having fun while other turned green on envy! muahaha….lantak kau lar!
makan so apa lagi?...balik hotel, mandi and got ready for the power massage!
One hour only but boy it was a damn good one! krak kruk krak kruk! My roomie
and I gelak like we were on crack o sumting! Tried to ask if can get another
hour extension but was told to call ‘Kai’ ….errrr….nemind….one hour is fine we
guess! After kena kau kau…dozed off…mom called and checked on me. Kena sound
when I told her I was sleeping. “U go so far js to sleep ar?” Trust me Mum, if
it was u….I dono what you would be doing! After an awesome nap, got up and got
ready for the official dinner with people from Tourism Krabi but we missed them
due to some mix up…tak kisah lah…on with the program, Dinner time! Yup! That
was what this trip all about, well fed, well taken cared, well enjoyed, ALL WAS
WELL! Food was good this time so apa lagi? Serangggggggggg…..yum yum yum…sat
with the Big Boss sumore but still didn’t behave…what’s the use? they oredi
know I’m born this way…hehehe
Left to rite - Bella, Sarah, Lily (hey roomie!), Big Boss aka, En. Fazlee, Anis, Ashraf and Maryam (thanks for still being frens with me after witnessing me going nutss!) |
krezi bhois had rented sum bike and went to watch the Sunset earlier while we
were napping (Dang it! Kenapa tak kasitau?). So guess what’s next? Joyride
Krabi style yo! Each had a bike and off we went down the Krabi road….wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…..me
so hapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….with wind blowing …nothing in my mind except
DAS AUTO!!!!! |
Rubba dub dub babeh! |
Small pit stop at local pasar malam and mingle with the locals then
it was time to hit the dance floor once again. We made such an impression the
night before, we got VIP seats this time around. Woot! Woot! Had few sip and
made our move, joined by our Chinese clan and we rocked the place away!
All set to hit the club! |
fun I had with people I’ve just met! Practice my keyboard skills! Ehem ehem!
Gotta to this again sometime soon!
Ashraf decided to join the Dark Krezi side! |
Left the place as legends (Sorta! I think!).
My poor roomie got her sleep disturbed again and graciously let me in. Soaked
in the bath tub and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Clubbing 2 nites in a row! Oh boy! Is
this really me?
Finaly they got the play! |
wakey…here comes day 4! Time to work out those arms! Kayak! First thought on my
mind…abis….koyak aku! Fortunately found a Kayak King to be my partner! He
taught me well! Thanks Ashraf! (ehem ehem) Damn proud I didn’t pengsan halfway
or anything!
Chumel plak roomie aku ni ek? ;) |
Explored cave with weird drawings
Snap snap time again!
Lily, Bella, Dian, Mua & Afik! |
Take that Picasso! |
and more kayaking to the Blue
Lagoon which was…errr….not blue at all (U supposed to look up at the blue
sky…not the lagoon….oooooo I seeeeee!)
Blue Lagoon! |
Our kayak/cave guide really cracked us
up…more on that later tho!
So happy I gotten taken picturen withen him-en! |
More kayaking under the blazing hot Sun! Abis from
dark duck am gonna be burnt duck for sure! All the hard work hiding from the
Sun after my Redang trip was gone in vain but then no pain no gain right?
Ayuh let's kayuh! |
back to more yummy lunch! So far the most happening makan table! Met my match,
had to tone down for safety purpose!
Afik doing what he does best....part time server! |
Changed into dry cloths and dozed off in
the bus till reached Floating Market Pasar Malam.
think the heat got me as I was a bit tired so opt so slow things down by
ditching the krezi hyper gang and join Maryam for a slow walk, bought loads of
things…mampus nak angkat balik dowh!
Dah ting tong by the time reach here but still ventured out! |
Plain and simple meal! |
RM2 je for this! I bought 4! ;) |
We were safe until bumped into the krezi
gang and was forced to eat bug! Eugh!!! We got conned at the carnival game. I
swear the duck was glued wey!
Tengok tu...all the calmness hilang as soon as jumpa bebudak ni balik! Kena serang to eat a bug! |
our hotel for the nite, Sakura Grand View Hotel, Hatyai…our last hotel for the
trip! Wifi was working, so on with zombie mode, update status and what not…we
got connecting room so apa lagi? Partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Woot! Woot! but
but but before that kena gather gang lar…watsap time….come to room 616-618 pls.
Some came some left but we still had enuff peopen (It’s coming, it’s coming! I
promise!) to entertain each other. This time we had my roomie, Lily (no choice
since she was stuck with me!), Afik, Sarah, Dian, Ashraf and meself. We opted
to tapau some drink from nearby 7 E and bumped into the big boss around 12 am.
Ehem ehem pegi mana tu Boss?
out the 7 E didn’t hv much things so we got on tuk tuk and ventured out for
some midnite snack consisting of Pulut Durian and Pulut Mangga…yummeh! Owh oso
had big ass prawn! Double yummeh!
Pulut Mangga dong |
Atau Pulut Durian |
Besar giler wey! |
Lepak lepak gelak gelak…even for simple joke!
Wonder what they put on ‘em food yo! After getting the final order. Teh tarik
satu jam. We were back in the party room, this time Melvin joined us. Lil’ more
zombie online mode, some pillow fight later, out comes the card.
Guess who kena belasah? Hampeh betul! |
Dono what
game…bluff or sumting but somehow I kept getting bluffed! Cilakak betul! Then
came a brill game suggestion from Melvin! Angel and Devil! At first we were
like….ala….apa la…tak bes lar…but as we kept playing we aculi came up with a
new lingo! As promised, this is the meaning for peopen. Remember our guide at
the kayak/cave earlier. We don’t mean to be rude or sumting but he had the
funniest accent! Somehow the poor fella could not pronounce certain words and
it ended up sounding funny to us. He adds –en into his words. For
example…middle becomes midden, people become peopen, devil becomes deven, angel
becomes angen…you get the flow? So….since we were high on sugar, the game was
officially changed into the Angen and Deven game! I swear we didn’t smoke any
weed or consume any alcohol but the atmosphere in the room somehow looked like
we had smoked up a whole farm and cleaned out a bar!
I kept getting killed so i op to take picture while waiting to get killed again! |
was really awesome laughing, giggling, and smiling…somehow during the game I
kept getting killed! I wonder why? We came up with more nicknames for each
other. Can’t believe how strangers have become such good friends in such short
span of time! I don’t know what Tourism Selangor had in their mind when they
planned this trip, but I simply had the best time of my life! Will cherish the
memory forever! Thank you so much great peopen of Tourism Selangor!
laughter continued into wee hours of the morning and we had to shut our eyes at
least for one hour so bid goodbye and yes….flattttttttttttttttttttttttt….got up
barely few hours later. Packed and check out.
Sedih pulak nak balik....had a really awesome time! |
More surprise….breakfast was on
the house but our group was longing for sleep more than food aculi. All muka
like zombie je except for this one person! (Yes! I’m looking at u Melvin!)
Muka control for photo op...tapi tgh ngantuk gilerrrrrrrrr..zzzzzzzzzzz |
Walap some roti canai…sigh….gimme our mamak food anytime lar…tapi nak tanak
kena lah makan kan? Nak order air oso took so long! Adoi! After alas perut.
Said sayonara to Sakura and bus-lag time. We stopped at few places. Time to
spend more money! I went trigger happy collecting cashewnuts la….itu lah, ini
lah…but it was totally worth it! Few more stop and while waiting, our group
manage to play Angen and Deven with the others were giving us the weird look!
said her goodbye! Thank you so much for your hospitality Madame! You will be
remembered as an Alzheimer legend! Heck we even got our own Krabi Krazi Klub on
FB and Inky is the official honorary member! Can’t wait to see what after math
picture gonna get loaded there!
in the bus, some opt to rest while some were restless! Too much of too much I
guess. I was like on back up battery. Dozing on and off. Miss TS had bought a
dvd (movie Looper) at 7 E and it turned to be in Thai! Well, what the heck. We
let it play. Some chatting, some checking on the picture, some….I dono…, we
played more games on the bus to keep others entertained/annoyed…depending on
their mood!
Well...........kan dah kata....memang giler punya geng! |
reached Sadao point again and was let loose for a while. Final shopping time
and more photo op! Snap snap click click and back to the bus! Upon crossing the
border, got data plan so apa lagi, plant the eye on the fon/tab screen time. I
was dozing on and off again till we reach Sungai Dua. Our last meal for the
awesome trip! Mee Udang! One look and I knew I will blow smoke if I had it so I
change my menu and as usual my food arrived late so had to rush thru it. Banyak
sangat so I tapau it back. Nak waste, rugi pulak kan?
Sedap....mesti datang balik next time! |
Anyways…bus moved. Ingat
nak tido, tried to tido but hell no! Some peopen’s battery was still full so
had to surrender to the noise. But then it would be boring if the bus was quite
oso! After stopping Tanjung Malim rest stop, I think. Our peopen gang gather at
the back of the bus to play Angen and Deven! We even managed to recruit one
Chinese godden! I as usual got killed over and over again…oh well…whatever makes
you guys happy I guess!
kept playing till we reached our drop off point, back at TS office building in
Shah Alam. Most got off but some stayed on to turun at KL Sentral. New
friendship formed, existing bonds grew tight with a promise of keeping in touch
with each other! Hugs all around! Awesome Day’s Out indeed! Bravo Tourism
Selangor. Thank you so much for choosing my name from the hot list! I’m sorry
if I said or did anything wrong! No ‘hard’ feelings okie! Please still consider
me for your future Day’s Out. I can’t promise to be good but I try not to be
too bad!
Pls don't reject me after this... ;) |
Khap Khun Kaaaaaaa
Terima kasih, thank you, nandri, thoh che', khap khun ka Tourism Selangor! |
Thanks Dian for letting me use some of your pictures here!
For more picture please click the links below....