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Monday 4 August 2014

22 Jump Street Review

The boys are back! 
22 Jump Street Review – I remember drooling over Johnny Deep watching the TV series and now have another reason to drool all over again watching Channing playing an undercover cop.
It's Schmidt, Dickson & Jenko bitches!!! 
At the end of the 21 Jump Street, Captain Dickson (Ice Cube) tells Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) that their next assignment is to infiltrate a local college. This time they have to find the supplier of a drug called ‘WHYPHY’ (pronounced as ‘Wi-Fi’). During the ‘undercover assignment’ both Schmidt and Jenko makes friends with different set of students. Jenko develops a bro-mance with Zook (Wyatt Russell) while Schmidt hooks up with Maya (Amber Stevens). This newfound friendship kinda hurts Schmidt’s and Jenko’s existing ‘relationship’. Will they find their way back and solve the case or drift further apart?
Schmidt and his ehem...lady friend..
Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill have come a long way since their debut. They may not make Oscar worthy movies but have created their own fan base. It would be nice to see if they could take on serious role later in their career but for now being Schmidt and Jenko works well with them. The rest of the cast, Ice Cube plays an extra role in this flick which will get you laughing even harder despite his anger management issue. New characters are introduced to run along the storyline. Some are important, some not so. The college life, the beach, the party and the big bust will get you into the movie in no time.

Summer break fun! 
The first instalment was a risk taken by the people involved in the project to revive TV’s most loved cop-series. The risk must have well paid because they are back with this sequel. Overall not a bad attempt with jokes thrown here and there. The plus point of the movie is the excellent chemistry between Channing and Jonah. It does sometimes goes beyond comfortable point when they get to ‘Brokeback Mountain’ mode. Luckily they know where to stop.  Storyline is pretty much a no-brainer because it is fun-watch type of flick. If you are looking for real serious cop movie, you better invest your money else-where. Otherwise, you can giggle yourself silly at the funny antics and laugh out loud lines. 

P/s - Thank you Churp2 for the #Churpremiere tickets.

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