Get ready to register! It's gonna be AHHHHHMAZINGGGGG THIS TIME! |
Well well well, Thailand have got to be my lucky country because my nasib somehow changes for good every time I come back there! During
my last trip there which incidentally was with Tourism Selangor (TS), I managed
to make loads of friends.
One of those ‘good luck’ I’m referring to is getting picked
to participate in #TSDayOut for 3rd time in a row! *Disclaimer – I
have some new found friends (I think) in TS but I do/did not pay them to choose
my name for 3 times in a row.
Let me explain how I get picked, first was of coz the Krezi
Krabi trip (this mother of a #TSDayOut will never fade away from my memory I
tell ya!) which was a well-played gamble that got the ball rolling, after which
was the Skytrex Edition which kicked off the blogging contest. I just scribbled
my experience and next thing I know, that crap got picked one of the best
posting! Say what? Yup! I was as surprised as you are! Go figure! By winning
that blog post, my name got ‘auto entered’ into the next TSDayOut, which is
what I’m gonna babble about this time!
jeng jeng jeng....Thank You Tourism Selangor! |
Such a long intro ey?
Kena-lah establish my point, takut kena accuse of cheating ma! Anyhow, here’s
what went down. Few days after the Skytrex outing, my name (together with 2 another
participants) (YEAY! EMILY!!!) was announced as the winner for the newly
introduced blogging competition. (Yezzzaaaaa!!! Dah tak sedih coz tak menang
photo contest!). After the announcement, the krezi people of TS teased us with
clues for the next TSDayOut, citing it’s gonna be amazing! Amazing as in ala
ala Amazing Race edition at Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)! Woah!!!
Really ah? *Confession time, I did send in my audition tape for the Amazing
Race Asia tapi tak kena pilih L tapi takpe, dapat masuk yang ini pun dah cukup kan?
Lepas registration, senarai nama-nama mangsa was published and
from the looks of it, dah tau gonna be gila gila outing once again. The day
arrived and luckily just a week before the outing, some of my friends and I
went to plant trees at FRIM for National Forest Day so we kinda had a clue what
we have to go thru on D-Day (YEAH RITEEEEE!!!).
Boys chilling while waiting |
Lepas tuka baju baruuuuu...jangan jeles! :D |
We started to day off with early morning breakfast at McD, (Tima
kaseh Amirul for the pick-up and drop off!) then headed straight to FRIM. While
waiting for other participants to arrive, we mula lah nak buat bising (dah veteran
participant la katakan!)
Hmm...let's see if all the victims are here! (Muahahaha!) |
As usual, saw some familiar faces and new meat to
grind! (hehehe!). After semua dah sampai and sign the form and jeng jeng jeng…special
for this time, we were awarded to TSDayOut t-shirt! NICEEEEEE!!!!.
Heck Yeah Babeh! Simple yet comfy! |
After changing we were
then introduced to the marshals and did some stretching (takut later cramp
pulak!) then got divided into groups of 3 in a team.
Siapa pengsan sekarang takyah racing dah! ;) |
Semangat tuh!!! |
I got India’s very own jungle
boy (Amit) [saw him at the skytrex outing] and cool dude, (Fuad) [baru first time join TSDayOut] and we came up
with our team name Amazing Krezi Fellas which stood for our names Amit,
Kanmani & Fuad (Geddit?!).
Kalau sesat..pakai GPS je |
We made itttttttttttttttttttttt!!! Heck I really made it! |
Short briefing later, we were handed chickeeeeeeeeeeeeen egg
to jaga tru out the check points together with the map to navigate our way till
the last check point.
Jaga map baik baik tau! |
Let the race begin! First task…masuk dalam kolam cari
guli! Aye caramba…pulak dah…mata aku neh…atas tanah pun kekadang tak nampak ni
nak cari dalam air lak! Die! Mau tamau kena la masuk, but thank God my boys
managed to find 2 guli's so we were off to the next challenge.
Jum main air! |
“Ok kanak-kanak, dengar sini. sila pungut daun ke, apa ke
tapi jangan petik apa-apa dan hiasi diri anda seperti orang asli. Baju tak
payah tanggal ye…Cuma add aksesori je cukup! Pastu ada water kaler so sila juga
‘warnakan’ muka atau anggota badan anda dan pastikan it last till end of all
task! Ada faham? Ok good, so apa lagi…we saw so many failed painters, including
yours truly but had some good ones. After decorating, we had to our team war
cry! Laaaaa…..y lah wey? Ntah apa bende kitaorang buat, jerit lompat melalak
and moved on to the next task.
Rempit time, eh I mean jungle trekking …thank God I’ve done this
before (before as in 10 years ago!) Cuma this time due to my spare tayar,
semput sikit, dah tu the jungle boy pulak jalan macam pakai some-kinda jungle shoe,
laju jerrrrrr…ayo macha slow down lar…but no coz he said sakit kaki kalau jalan
slow (ish ish ish). I just went with my pace and stop sikit sikit to catch my
Huff Puff Huff Puff |
After the trekking, we arrived to 3rd mission. Jalan pakai
tempurung! Ayo Mummy! Nasib tak jauh sangat so after that sampai to 4th
task. Solve puzzle. Nasib bukan solve Sudoku! The boys got it done in no time
and we submitted our answer and that time the marshal asked for the egg…’u kena
kasi saya telur tu lar’ and I’m like…’apahal lu…jangan nak kantoi orang…no way
Jose’. Nasib tak bagi coz that fella wanted to kantoi us! How dare u dude!
Another trail inside the jungle brought us to the magnificent
view known as ‘Crown Shyness’. Saw it before (10 years ago!) but the view
still took my breath away. Cantek giler! God! You are great. Humans, please don’t
let this view disappear.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
Wooooooaaaaaahhhhh |
Lepas kagum with Mother Nature’s creation, we got a
taste of mud! Huhuhu…sila crawl commando style melalui lumpur ini ye! Terima
kasih. Great! Baru je dapat t shirt baru terus kena masuk lumpur. Tak aci lar! Nak
tak nak kena gak get it dirty!
Jalan sumore and came out to our 6th mission. Amit’s and my eyes were
blindfolded while Fuad gave us direction to jalan macam katak and collect some
tiny piece of papers. The marshal was impressed that we were the second team
and only 3 task left to complete the race.
On with the next one! Nampak paku
atas papan kecik tu…sila susun dan jangan bagi jatuh. Klue dia ialah bumbung! Aaaaaaa…..I’ve done
this before so just gave some pointers to Amit and he got it done in no time.
Yeay Amit!
Jungle boy turned carpenter in the making! :D |
Lepas tuh jalan lagi…and huhuhu…kena tutup mata lagi….ok fine…’pegang
kayu guide and folo me’ kata marshal, ‘now squad down and please take out 2
coins from the kotak depan you’. Errr….tu je bang? Yelah tu je tapi jaga-jaga,
takut u kena gigit! Huh? Kena gigit? Hang letak apa kotak tuh bang oi? ‘Adalah…hehehe’
so I sorta tried to steel at peek! Big mistake! I saw the ulat-ulat….DIE DIE
DIE WHY WHY WHY? This blardy task took me forever to complete. Nak masuk tangan
je dah geli, pastu kena buli lagi! Huish, stress giler tau! Somehow I managed to
get the both damn coins and Amit did a stunt! (Krezi jungle boy this
Amacam? Ada berani? |
Abis dah semua fizikal task now cuba ingat balik apa korang
buat and list it down. Pulak dah…nasib baik only 8 task so lepas dah list kena
buat one last war cry and we were done! We finished 2nd but score was not based on arrival . Lepas tuh, lepak lar. Kacau other teams (ngeh ngeh
ngeh!). I earned a battle scar, kena gigit pacat but tak nampak, only got blood
on my kaki. Nasib baik only one!
I feel like warrior now! |
Since didn’t have proper water pressure in the changing room, rendam balik
dalam kolam sat then changed into dry cloths. One by one mangsa arrived with
smile in their face! Then it was makan time. Bagus lah TS ni. After kena dera
siap kasi mum mum lagi. This time the food was yummeh so walap kau kau then
Lai lai lai, don't shy shy! |
Jum seranggggggggggggg |
Lepak wait for the VIP to arrive for prize giving ceremony. Sambil tu
mingle-mingle dengan mangsa baru. Isi feedback form.
Eehehehee.....guess they duno abt me YET! |
Ni dah tau pun still mau fren with me! |
Once VIP, Puan Hazlin of FRIM arrived and gave her speech, it
was time to announce the winners and guess what each of the winning team had a
person who went to Krabi, guess I was not the only one with Krabi luck yo! I
got my ‘prize board’ for blog post. Snapped gamba ala celebrity with rest of
the winners, then one big group picha as usual!
Lepas tu, exchange the board for
RM250! Yahoooo!!! Nandri TS! First time tuh win! Woot! Woot!
Macam biasa, the best part about TSDayOut , made tones of new friends, explored another part of
Selangor and left with AMAZING memories and awesome experience! I can’t thank
Tourism Selangor enough for changing my boring weekends into krezi outing with
their constant marvelous outings! Dah tuh, winning some moolah makes even
betterrrrrr!!! (hehehe!)
Pose sket ngan Bossman, En. Fazly! |
Here’s to more remarkable ideas to expand my knowledge about
SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN! Bravo to the organizing team and caya sama all the
participants, we literally had an AMAZING EDITION TSDayOut! Till next time....iffffffffffffffffffffff kena pilih lagik lar ek?! :)
Kalau korang nak join in jangan lupa 'like' Tourism Selangor page on FB and follow them on twitter! Just click and enjoy!
Tourism Selangor FB page , Tourism Selangor twitter
Even awesomer, they even have #TSDayOut site yo, cepat click cuba spot muka comei saya! :D
TSDayOut site!
Cantek shirt....boleh pinjam ka? *wink wink |
Choose wisely peopen! |
Bukti from 10 years ago! |
Impromtu Krabi reunion sumore! |
Kan dah kata Krezi Krabi gang! |
P/s - Photo credits to Dian, Rasyidi & Ashraf! Khap Khun Kaaaaaaaaaa!!!
P/s 2 - If nak tengok more picture sila click
Amazing Race Album or
Amazing Race 2